ggsankeyfier - Create Sankey and Alluvial Diagrams Using 'ggplot2'
Sankey and alluvial diagrams visualise flows of quantities across stages in stacked bars. This package makes it easy to create such diagrams using 'ggplot2'.
Last updated 3 months ago
7.06 score 14 stars 59 scripts 452 downloadsCopernicusMarine - Search Download and Handle Data from Copernicus Marine Service Information
Subset and download data from EU Copernicus Marine Service Information: <>. Import data on the oceans physical and biogeochemical state from Copernicus into R without the need of external software.
Last updated 11 days ago
6.13 score 25 stars 2 dependents 20 scripts 351 downloadscsquares - Concise Spatial Query and Representation System (c-Squares)
Encode and decode c-squares, from and to simple feature (sf) or spatiotemporal arrays (stars) objects. Use c-squares codes to quickly join or query spatial data.
Last updated 3 months ago
5.81 score 2 stars 20 scripts 181 downloadsggfields - Add Vector Field Layers to Ggplots
Add vector field layers to ggplots. Ideal for visualising wind speeds, water currents, electric/magnetic fields, etc. Accepts data.frames, simple features (sf), and spatiotemporal arrays (stars) objects as input. Vector fields are depicted as arrows starting at specified locations, and with specified angles and radii.
Last updated 4 months ago
5.38 score 4 stars 12 scripts 150 downloadsadfExplorer - Import from and Export to Amiga Disk Files
Amiga Disk Files (ADF) are virtual representations of 3.5 inch floppy disks for the Commodore Amiga. Most disk drives from other systems (including modern drives) are not able to read these disks. To be able to emulate this system, the ADF format was created. This package enables you to read ADF files and import and export files from and to such virtual DOS-formatted disks.
Last updated 9 months ago
4.73 score 3 stars 36 scripts 432 downloadsECOTOXr - Download and Extract Data from US EPA's ECOTOX Database
The US EPA ECOTOX database is a freely available database with a treasure of aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicological data. As the online search interface doesn't come with an API, this package provides the means to easily access and search the database in R. To this end, all raw tables are downloaded from the EPA website and stored in a local SQLite database <doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.143078>.
Last updated 3 months ago
4.48 score 10 stars 2 scripts 389 downloadsadfExplorer2 - Access and Manipulate Amiga Disk Files
Amiga Disk Files (ADF) are virtual representations of 3.5 inch floppy disks for the Commodore Amiga. Most disk drives from other systems (including modern drives) are not able to read these disks. The adfExplorer2 package enables you to establish R connections to files on such virtual DOS-formatted disks, which can be use to read from and write to those files.
Last updated 11 days ago
4.38 score 2 stars 9 scriptsProTrackR - Manipulate and Play 'ProTracker' Modules
'ProTracker' is a popular music tracker to sequence music on a Commodore Amiga machine. This package offers the opportunity to import, export, manipulate and play 'ProTracker' module files. Even though the file format could be considered archaic, it still remains popular to this date. This package intends to contribute to this popularity and therewith keeping the legacy of 'ProTracker' and the Commodore Amiga alive.
Last updated 10 months ago
4.12 score 4 stars 66 scripts 233 downloadsAmigaFFH - Commodore Amiga File Format Handler
Modern software often poorly support older file formats. This package intends to handle many file formats that were native to the antiquated Commodore Amiga machine. This package focuses on file types from the older Amiga operating systems (<= 3.0). It will read and write specific file formats and coerces them into more contemporary data.
Last updated 9 months ago
3.90 score 4 stars 40 scripts 682 downloadsopenmpt - Open ModPlug Tracker Port
Reads, renders and plays music tracker files using the libopenmpt library.
Last updated 4 days ago
3.60 score 4 scripts