openmpt S3 Class Objects

This package has specified only one S3 class named "openmpt". It is an external pointer (type of externalptr) that points to the location where the OpenMPT module object is stored in memory. It is stored in a format that can be handled by the libopenmpt library and can be used to play or render the module and control options for playing and rendering.

Initiating an openmpt class object

The only way to initiate an openmpt class object is by reading a supported module from a file with read_mod(). There is no point in creating new openmpt objects from scratch anyway since the package offers no features to modify the module (see also vignette("openmpt-alternatives")).

mod <- read_mod(system.file("cyberrid", "cyberrid.mod", package = "openmpt"))

Using openmpt objects

Each openmpt object holds its own set of control and render parameters, which can be obtained and modified with control() and render_param(). You can also control the volume of specific or all channels (see ?"volume-control"). Pitch and tempo can also be tweaked (see ?"pitch-tempo"). Use play() to play an openmpt object, and convert_mod() to convert it to a specific audio file format.

There are many other functions that use openmpt objects as input. For a complete overview check the Reference page.